Symes Gold Mine
Location and Access
The Symes’ Find prospect is located 60km south of the township of Moorine Rock, within the Holleton Greenstone belt in the Southern Cross Province of the Eastern Goldfields. Symes’ Find appears to occupy the axial plane of a south-east plunging synform. The intersection of axial planar faults and the shallow east dipping mafic amphibolite host rock defines a series of higher grade mineralised shoots that plunge shallowly to the southeast.

Symes open pits looking north
Open pit mining at Symes was completed during the June 2024 Quarter, with 39,452 ore tonnes at a grade of 2.77g/t being mined for contained gold of 3,511 ounces. Haulage of the stockpiled ore at Symes to Edna May will continue into FY25.
Ramelius’ drilling to date has defined two moderately south-east plunging shoots of supergene and hypogene gold mineralisation associated with quartz veinlets within the host rock. The quartz veins (less than 10cm thick) appear boudinaged and re-folded throughout. A swarm of pegmatite sills has intruded the amphibolites and lie conformable with the dip and strike of the mineralisation defined to date. Drilling has also confirmed lateral extensions to the previously mined surface laterite gold mineralisation (between 1- 4m thick) which pervades throughout the granted Symes’ mining lease.
Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve
The latest Mineral Resource (ROM & LG stocks) stood at 320,000t @1.2 g/t for 13,000 oz (Refer 2 September 2024 ASX Release).
The latest Ore Reserve (ROM stocks) stood at 320,000t @1.2 g/t for 13,000 oz (Refer 2 September 2024 ASX Release).